New York City jail guard suffers burns from body camera igniting

style2024-06-03 18:21:4617

NEW YORK (AP) — A captain in New York City’s Department of Correction suffered burns and smoke inhalation when her body camera suddenly caught fire, prompting the department to stop using the equipment pending an investigation.

The captain was on duty at the Rikers Island jail complex last Friday when her body-worn camera ignited without warning, correction department spokesperson Annais Morales said.

The captain, whose name was not released, was treated at a hospital for burns and smoke inhalation, Morales said.

“The safety of our staff is paramount, which is why I am removing all body-worn cameras from service out of an abundance of caution while we investigate how and why this incident occurred,” Correction Commissioner Lynelle Maginley-Liddie said in a statement:

Officials said this is the first time a body camera has caught fire since the department started using them in 2015.

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